As of today we need 4,965.00 in monthly support or 83% of our budget to go to Brazil. It seems like a lot but we have already been amazed at what God will do and is doing through people. As I write this our hearts are heavy to be in Brazil, to be learning Portuguese in Brazil, to be acclimating to the culture and learning a new city.
But, we are here. Abbey is doing an amazing job of caring for three small girls and I am growing in patience and understanding daily by working with elementary students with special needs. It is not a bad thing that we are here, it is where God has us and he has blessed us here. We are a part of a very special Sunday school class at the church we attend and we continue to grow in community with them.
I dont even know if anyone reads this. If anyone does, please pray for perseverance for Abbey and I as we continue to raise support.
Thank you